The Grand Weaver

Some time ago I read Ravi Zacharias’ autobiography entitled, “Walking from East to West”. Aside from being an incredible story of God’s faithfulness in this man’s life, I was struck with a word picture he puts forth that has stuck with me ever since. He repeats the illustration and (I presume) goes into further detail in his book, “The Grand Weaver”. I say presume, because I haven’t read the book yet. It’s on my never ending ‘to-read’ list.

He tells the story of witnessing a father and son team constructing the intricate design of a sari, a scarf that brides in India wear on their wedding day. (And if you know me, you know that I love this story all the more because it involves scarves). The father sits on a raised platform with huge spools of beautifully colored threads near him; the son sitting on the floor. When the father gathers some threads in his hand and then nods, the son moves the shuttle from one side to the other.

Gather threads, nod, shuttle.

Gather, nod, shuttle.

What at first appears to be nothing more than a jumble of incoherent colors, in a few months time turns into a magnificent masterpiece.

Ravi explains like this, “Throughout the process, the son has had a much easier task. Most likely he has often felt bored. Perhaps he has wished for some other calling in life-something he might find more stimulating or fulfilling. He has but one task, namely, to move the shuttle as directed by the father’s nod, hoping to learn to think like the father so that he can carry on the business at the appropriate time. Yet the whole time, the design has remained in the mind of the father as he held the threads.”

Soon this sari will make it’s way to a shop in India where a young lady will choose it to wear on her special day because of it’s particular beauty. Beauty on account of a grand weaver having purposefully designed it.

He concludes like this, “Now if an ordinary weaver can take a collection of colored threads and create a garment to beautify the face, is it not possible that the Grand Weaver has a design in mind for you, a design that will adorn you as he uses your life to fashion you for his purpose, using all the threads within his reach? His design for your life pulls together every thread of your existence into a magnificent work of art. Every thread matters and has a specific purpose.

Every thread matters and has a specific purpose.

That’s my goal in life. To believe that, to live that. What would happen if we actually did believe and live that? Would we trust our Grand Weaver a bit more when it seems like the threads are getting tangled, or are being cut out all together? Would we live our life a bit more on purpose knowing that God is a masterful designer who would never just haphazardly pull a few strings at random?

How much do we want to sit at the feet of the Grand Weaver, eager to do His bidding? Eager to know His heart and mind so well that we can anticipate His next movement, the next Gather, Nod, Shuttle.

I want that. To be a ready and eager threaded loom, anticipating with wide eyes the movement of God in and through my life. To see every thread as purposeful, developing a heart that breathes thanks to God for each moment.

Do you?

2 thoughts on “The Grand Weaver

  1. now I see I only have to pace myself for a few more (wink)! THis one is beautiful and it Ravi Zacharia (sp?) book is now on my list too!

  2. Pingback: A Leap of Faith | The Threaded Loom

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